The CF are the black ones indeed ;). Just started on the next three builds. Besides a bass, I’ll be working on a semi-hollow and a shred monster as well!
The CF are the black ones indeed ;). Just started on the next three builds. Besides a bass, I’ll be working on a semi-hollow and a shred monster as well!
Two new guitars and a bass are on their way!
Stockholm P90’s from Bare Knuckle Pickups for this baby 🙂
Always a magical moment to play & hear a guitar for the first time 🙂
After the frets the only to-do’s are the polishing and installing of the hardware! Exiting 😀
Free (CELLAR) air guitars for everyone! 😉
Including a little aluminium / abalone inlay! 🙂
Things are starting to come together pretty awesome 🙂
Interesting stuff in progress! 😉
Next step is shaping the arched top, that’s going to be interesting on this one! 🙂
It’s made out of maghogany and alder with a little abalone inlay and a tung-oil finish. Probably familiar materials to you guys! 😉 a mirror! 🙂 Only the fretwork and installing of the electronics left!
Always a magical moment! 😉
I’m already looking forward to doing the nitro lacquer on this guitar, it sure will make the color pop and even more intense! 🙂
Next step is measuring out the floyd cavity!
As in gluing the neck too the body! 😉
The black swoosh in the joint is a piece of ebony, just a little experiment! 🙂
Ow!! And check this one-of-the-first VH4S amplifier. Peter got the chicken-head knobs from Fendt! (the tractor manufacturer 😉
Traded my VH4S for a Herbert, can’t wait to try it out on full volume coming thursday!! Home volumes (volumes that won’t kill small animals) is already VERY promising.
PS. Peter! Thanks again for the pizza and the awesome evening! 😉
PPS. You just have to love that Ostrich / brown tolex on the Herbert!
Just love to do it! 🙂
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